Friday 16 March 2007

Google Ads: Not As Simple As You Think

Hello there.

Here is yet another attempt a keeping a blog. So good luck to you as you read this in 9 months time and this is still the only post.

Well, the title suggests a lot. I'm currently working on a Google Ad campaign for, my new employers. Its not as easy as some might think.

General thoughts before starting: "Piece of cake. Design a few lines of text, throw them on the internet and we are flying. Easy days."

General thoughts after starting: "I've got to make sure I use the DKI to improve my CTR and make sure the CPC stays low enough to ensure a good PPC. Oh, and I've got to make sure that i split-test the VPS and RCF Ads and then make sure the content bids are secure enough on the VoIP Ads."

You can see my point. There are so many thnigs to consider in a Google Ads campaign!

Things aren't going too badly as I start to make sense of it all. Wish me luck!

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