Thursday, 7 June 2007

Box Office Smash?

With all of these big franchise films coming along and taking our hard earned money, its revived something that has been irking my conscious for a good long while.

Often when films are released over in Europe after starting in America, or a DVD is released, we normally see "the #1 box office smash!" or something along those lines. I accepted, for the first 15 years of my life, that this should be read as "wow, this film is very popular, you should REALLY see it!" Now, a good 7 years wiser, I find that it isn't the case.

During a film lecture, I put in some thought about the subject, obviously not the subject I should have been thinking about:

People go to the cinema, pay their money and watch the film.

They don't give money if they liked the film. Therefore a lot of the "all time highest grossing films" ever are films that had a lot of hype and no substance. People paid their money and were sadly disappointed. Good box office takings does not mean a good film.

For example, with the use of, I have the top 100 highest grossing films of all time. There are some that truly deserve to be there [Titanic, ET, Star Wars, Jaws] but some of the entries of rather appaling!

#6: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest [$423 million]
#35: The Grinch That Stole Christmas [$260 million]
#39: Night At The Museum [$250 million]
#47: My Big Fat Greek Wedding [$242 million]
#70: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory [$206 million]

Now there are more films that people will be shocked made it into the top 100, but these are examples I know were panned by the critics and I also had the displeasure of sitting through. These films are not great, hell, they're not even good, yet their takings were amazing [Nearly a quarter of a billion dollars for Greek Wedding is a joke!]

It just gets on my nerves that we can get so duped into piling so much money into these films, only for them to not deliver and then boast about how much money they scammed off of people as they try and get more when the DVD comes out. ¬_¬

It was nice to see 'Gone With The Wind' hanging in there at #77 though

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